Welcome to Wayne Metals

Company Overview
Company Overview
Wayne Metals LLC got its start as Wayne Metal Products in 1945 producing Special Equipment parts for International Harvester in Fort Wayne. The company moved from Fort Wayne to Markle in 1952 and changed ownership in 1961. At that time the company employed 18 people. After much growth, a new 45,000 sq ft facility was built in Markle. Another change in ownership occurred in 1978 and those owners remained in place until the company was sold in 2001.
Wayne Metals, LLC was formed on February 16, 2001, when Greg Myers and Jerome Henry acquired the assets of I-Corp, d/b/a Wayne Metal Products. Greg assumed the role of President/CEO that day, and production as a new company began on February 19,2001.
Today, Wayne Metals, LLC has grown to approximately 180 employees working in two facilities with a combined square footage of 174,000sqft. Wayne Metals capabilities include shearing, punching, forming, welding (Manual and robotic), machining, assembly, and powder painting. Wayne Metals, LLC is currently registered to ISO 9001/ISO 14001.
Mission Statement
Mission Statement
To be recognized in the contract metal stamping, fabrication, machining and finishing industry as an innovative leader providing extra-ordinary levels of service and parts that meet customers specifications.
To be viewed by our employees as an outstanding employer.
And, to be recognized in the business community as an exemplary citizen.
Business Objectives
Business Objectives
Maintain a safe work environment for our team members. Reduce OSHA recordables and maintain goal of zero lost time hours.
Improve quality performance by reducing poor quality cost and establishing external incident rate that aligns with Customer expectations of preferred supplier status.
Improve delivery to all customers to 99% on-time delivery each month.
Promote a Total Quality culture that develops a fundamental core of teamwork with a focus of cooperation, collaboration, trust, accountability and respect for each other to achieve common goals.
Embrace prevention activities that will protect our health and environment. Promote and sustain our ISO 14001 Environmental Management System through continual improvement and compliance with all State and Federal regulations.
Safety Policy
Safety Policy
Wayne Metals, LLC is committed to employee health and safety, environmental protection, compliance to regulatory requirements, and other requirements to which we subscribe, through a strategy of continual improvement and teamwork.
The foundation for achieving our commitment is based upon:
- Striving for the elimination of health and safety hazards and prevention of pollution by maintaining environmental, health, and safety management as core values.
- Providing leadership for environmental, health, and safety improvement through management example and employee involvement and empowerment.
- Developing and utilizing environmentally acceptable, safe, and efficient production methods and processes.
Quality Policy
Quality Policy
- We are dedicated to being the best supplier to our customers.
- We believe that Total Quality excellence is our goal. Each of us has a responsibility to understand our business objectives to identify our customer’s needs and to provide customer satisfaction.
- We promote open communications, trust and long-term partnerships with our internal and external customers and external providers.
- We are committed to continual improvement to achieve conforming parts, competitive value and on-time delivery.
- We are committed to developing and promoting product safety.
- We shall work together as a team with mutual trust and respect to achieve common goals.
- We shall share in the prosperity that comes from being the best.
Enviornmental Policy
Environmental Policy
As it is part of our mission at Wayne Metals, LLC to be recognized in the business community as an exemplary citizen, we commit to and shall comply with the standards of ISO14001, and we shall embrace those standards as an ethical and honest way of doing business.
We shall will work together as a team with mutual trust and respect to achieve SAFETY:
Superior training; A clean, safe working environment; Fair and honest treatment; Equal opportunity for advancement; To become innovative and create team spirit; Yes, fair, competitive compensation.
We shall establish an Environmental Management System in order to comply with relevant compliance obligations, and to maintain our procedures to clearly identify how our activities, products and services interact with the environment using risk & opportunity measurement.
We shall practice and model good stewardship of natural resources and do our part in reducing waste, protecting the environment, preventing pollution, and conserving energy. We shall properly have any and all waste, hazardous or non-hazardous, disposed of according to local, state, and federal regulations and recycle that which can be reused.
We shall continuously monitor and evaluate the environmental impacts of our business activities to ensure that we are not causing environmental or health issues for any individual or group concerned with or affected by the environmental performance of Wayne Metals, LLC. We shall correct all non-conformities.
We shall promote, educate, and train all of our employees in our Environmental Management System to help ensure the well-being of our employees, customers, and neighbors and integrate those practices into our day-to-day activities.
We shall measure our performance and commit to continual improvement of our Environmental Management System to enhance environmental performance in all relevant and practical areas that affect the well being of our employees, community, and our surroundings and make those results known to the public.
We shall encourage the use of an Environmental Management System by all of our sub-contractors and suppliers in order to further reduce waste and eliminate the release of pollutants into the environment.
We shall ensure this environmental policy is available to interested parties.